Deliverus Ensemble
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Building a Church that supports the Family, a Family that raises Leaders, and a Leader that serves the Church









Not taking the time to take care of our children is the problem of the modern family

There are some people who take immense pride in being in the workforce. We live in an environment where we are considered diligent if we work outside the home, while women who take care of children at home are considered lazy and living a comfortable life. Because of these social stereotypes, many of us would rather jump into the workforce and put our children in the care of others.


Only the parents have all the keys to properly raise a child

First, many people leave their children¡¯s religious upbringing to an expert. Nowadays, the world is being influenced and driven by experts, due to the world becoming more complex as it continues to develop. Particularly in the field of science, tons of innovative instruments that are too complex to be handled by non-experts, are in continuous production. Following these trends, the fields of education and psychology are also producing professionals. . . . . . .


We must nurture our children with God¡¯s mindset

The Bible is full of stories about education. It shows how our ancestors of faith educated their children, but it also details the process in which God chooses people, refines them and uses them to accomplish His purpose. Important methods of education are buried in these stories like treasure. . . . .


Parents Should Personally Teach Their Children at Home

It is impossible to teach God¡¯s word like you teach at school. Nowadays, many people believe that spiritual education is merely about understanding and memorizing hundreds of Bible verses, like school education. This is not to say that memorizing Bible verses is bad; it simply is not very effective or practical. . . . . . .


Leadership should not be confused with popularity or titles

It is widely believed that an individual with good leadership skills is someone who is loved by everyone, is always at the forefront, is able to get along with anyone at all times and is always surrounded by friends. Leadership is . . . . . .




Don’t let God take a back seat for your selfish earthly desires

“Our kid is going to _ _ _ _ University.” This is a common answer you hear when you ask someone if their child is doing well in his or her spiritual life. That person is confusing faith with going to a good school. How come? . . . . . . 



Let¡¯s communicate with "God-Message"

“Public educators often say we should teach children with the “I-message” instead of the “you-message” because you-messages put the children on the defensive and may hurt them. A you-message begins with the pronoun “you,” for example, “why do you always do this,” or “why are you always like that,” and can effectively communicate an accusatory ton e, which in turn may hurt a child. . . . . . .



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